Sunday, April 6, 2008

Talk Cinema/"the Life Before Her Eyes"

Talk Cinema hits another homerun with"The Life before Her Eyes," a brilliant, memorable new film that stays on your mind long after the movie has faded from the screen

Essentially a lyrically beautiful meditation on the ways in which a Colombine-type school massacre affects those impacted for generatons to come.

Told in flashback from the POV of two students who confront the gunman, 17 year-old girls from the low rent side of the tracks, who remain best friends despite polar opposite backgrounds, one a risk-taking rebel who's parents are divorced, the other a God-fearing church goer from a large, pious family.

The acting is superb, particularly Evan Rachel Wood as one of the young girls and Uma Thurman as the girl grown up with a daughter of her own.

Film is directed by Ukrainian director Vadim Perelman and this is his second film, after House of Sand and Fog.

Had I heard going in that a movie was dealing with a school massacre, I would never have been inclined to go see it. I am so glad I was able to experience this movie afterall.

I highly recommend this film.

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